Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tech Open House

BubbleShare: Share photos - Here comes Halloween!

Today was a great day for me at Congin! The technology open house seemed to be a success. I really enjoyed talking to everyone about their interests and their needs. It was also great getting to show everyone all the technology that we have available. This is an exciting time to be an educator. And, at the risk of sounding like I'm on a sugar high from all the cookies at the refreshment table (I really am actually), I feel very lucky to be around so many interesting and creative people on a daily basis. This is my new blog that I started in honor of Open House and the dialogue about technology at Congin. Please feel free to leave comments and ideas. I will try to update often. A few people asked for a list of the sites featured today, so here they are:

* has many great tools that are easy to use (even a rubric maker)
* filamentality helps you create your own webquests
* - great math practice and Clare H's personal favorite!
* ARKive contains images and information about animals with loads of great stuff about conservation
* US Geological Survey learning web for kids
* The US Geological Survey resources for educators - map maker! lesson plans and interactive modules (very cool)
* Science News for Kids - in the "teacher zone" there are questions to go with featured articles (coolness factor: 9.5)
* Arcademic Skill Builders - has the very popular multiplication grand prix - watch out for Kate C. she knows her multiplication facts!
* Survey Monkey - creates online surveys, great for graphing

Last but not least, I thought y'all would get a kick out of my meez I created. Do you think she looks like me? She definately has my attitude...